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The Daily Beast

‘Dukes of Hazzard’ Star Says Biden Should Be ‘Publicly Hung’

VIDEO: Top 10 Largest Cities in the World by Population (1400-2023)

Sean Rayford/GettyJust hours after finishing in second place on The Masked Singer, an ex-Dukes of Hazzard star and country music artist said on Wednesday that Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, should be “publicly hung” in a since-deleted post on X, formerly Twitter. In response to the president’s message, which labeled Donald Trump as a threat to democracy, John Schneider wrote, “Mr. President, I believe you are guilty of treason and should be publicly hung. Your son too. Your response is..?


Article information

Author: Nicole Martinez

Last Updated: 1703258281

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Author information

Name: Nicole Martinez

Birthday: 1910-11-22

Address: USNS Wilson, FPO AE 35659

Phone: +4544975563562955

Job: Digital Marketing Specialist

Hobby: Juggling, Dancing, Photography, Calligraphy, Painting, Snowboarding, Badminton

Introduction: My name is Nicole Martinez, I am a unguarded, variegated, strong-willed, talented, proficient, courageous, radiant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.