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The Daily Hodl reports that $270,000 vanishes from the bank account of the business owner and that a billion-dollar bank refuses to compensate the customer

A business owner in Southwest Florida is searching for answers after hundreds of thousands of dollars vanished from her bank account.

Tiffany Allen says $270,000 was initially stolen from her family’s Truist Bank business account in five separate unauthorized transfers, reports the CBS-affiliated news station WINK.

More than six months later, however, the bank has not recovered or reimbursed the vast majority of the funds, with $240,000 still missing.

Allen says Truist told her that someone changed the security number of her business accounts and transferred the funds using an IP address located outside the United States.

“They didn’t notice that my security phone number changed. They didn’t notice that it’s a strange IP address that the wires are coming from. I didn’t even think this was real. That something like this could actually happen.”

According to Allen, the lender could not provide answers as to how the thief managed to evade the bank’s security systems.

“You feel like, to be robbed or [have] something [taken] from you, you have no control of it…

Truist should stand behind its customers. That’s their job. That’s why we put our money in the banks.”

Allen, whose family owns the recreational vehicle consignment business RV Kountry, initially believed the Charlotte, North Carolina-based lender would find a way to make her business whole.

“You just feel a little sick to your stomach. But at first, you’re like, this is fraud! They’re going to reject these wires and get our money back.”

The bank has denied requests for an interview and issued a statement saying it “immediately escalated” Allen’s concerns to its fraud team back in March.

So far, Allen says she has been able to keep her company alive despite the major loss.

“It’s sad to think this could take a business completely out of business. Then you’re putting 20 families without a job.”

Truist is the seventh-largest chartered commercial bank in the US according to the Federal Reserve, with $546.7 billion in consolidated assets.

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Author: Cynthia Thomas

Last Updated: 1702161962

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Name: Cynthia Thomas

Birthday: 1917-07-27

Address: PSC 3883, Box 3149, APO AE 43584

Phone: +3893555437747340

Job: Paramedic

Hobby: Kite Flying, Fishing, Card Games, Beer Brewing, Coffee Roasting, Lock Picking, Tea Brewing

Introduction: My name is Cynthia Thomas, I am a irreplaceable, proficient, spirited, cherished, dear, unreserved, courageous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.