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How mining cryptocurrency can bring in up to $1,000 per month

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    How to make upwards of $1,000 a month by mining cryptocurrency

    If you’re as confused about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies you’re not alone. Credit: Pixabay

    In essence, cryptocurrencies are decentralized digital currencies that can be sent to anyone through the internet. They aren’t affiliated with any particular country so there’s no central bank that verifies these transactions. Instead, cryptocurrency miners use special software that creates a public record of each transaction and gives the miner a payment in return.

    If you know what you’re doing, you can make a lot of money mining this digital currency. But how does it work and what’s the best way to do it? You can learn all of this from the Beginner’s Guide to Cryptocurrency Mining.

    This course gives you access to 13 lectures so you can hit the ground running and make real money fast. You’ll learn a mining system that has low startup costs and requires no affiliate marketing or graphics card. You’ll also learn all the technical details about blockchains, general ledgers, hashes, and nonces that make up each successful transaction.

    Mashable Deals

    By the time you’ve finished with this course, you could be earning up to $1,000 per month from the comforts of your own home. The Beginner’s Guide to Cryptocurrency Mining normally costs $180, but you can get it for just $15 today. Plus, over Labor Day weekend you can save 15 percent by using the code BYESUMMER.

    Nicole Cammorata

    Executive Commerce Editor

    Nicole Cammorata is the Executive Commerce Editor at Mashable, where she helps to guide shopping coverage site-wide. A longstanding fan of the TLC show "Extreme Couponing," she gets a little thrill every time we help our readers find a great deal and put money back in their pockets. (Take that, retailer behemoths!) During her time at Mashable, she's built out the Shopping team from its inception, overseeing the development of our daily deals stories and the expansion into hands-on testing and buying guides. The thing she's most proud of though is the team she has built, helping journalists grow and develop over the course of her nearly eight years here and empowering writers and editors to lead our coverage in ways that get bigger and more ambitious with each year. She received a B.S. in Journalism from Boston University and an MFA in fiction writing from The New School. She lives in Maine with her husband, their two young children, and a backyard full of flowers.

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    Article information

    Author: Scott Cherry

    Last Updated: 1703129522

    Views: 714

    Rating: 4 / 5 (70 voted)

    Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Scott Cherry

    Birthday: 1994-10-18

    Address: 181 Alec Flat Apt. 261, West Loriborough, NC 56266

    Phone: +3573206137610948

    Job: Archaeologist

    Hobby: Web Development, Running, Writing, Snowboarding, Backpacking, Beer Brewing, Sewing

    Introduction: My name is Scott Cherry, I am a brilliant, unswerving, spirited, intrepid, unguarded, enterprising, receptive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.