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An influential Russian TikToker, who was called up to fight in Ukraine, passed out on stage after posting pro-Ukrainian content

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    • A Russian TikToker collapsed on stage after getting his summons to join the military, per the BBC.

    • Xolidayboy was made to sign a draft letter upon landing in Russia, per Russian media.

    • He was the target of pro-Russian figure Ekaterina Mizulina, who objected to his support for Ukraine.

    A TikTok star who posted pro-Ukraine videos collapsed on stage in Russia after receiving his summons to join the Russian military, according to the BBC.

    Russian TikToker and singer Ivan Minayev, who has the stage name Xolidayboy, was performing in the southwestern Russian city of Stavropol when he suddenly stopped singing and dropped his mic before falling unconscious, multiple TikTok videos show.

    Fellow artists and security guards can then be seen lifting him up and moving him backstage. He was taken to the hospital, per the BBC.

    Hours before the concert on Monday, Minayev was handed a military summons at the airport of Mineralnye Vody in southwest Russia, the independent Russian outlet Baza reported.

    Minayev was made to sign a draft letter acknowledging receipt of the summons, according to Russian media company Ostorozhno.

    His music producer, nicknamed Ulyana Banana, didn't immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.

    The 23-year-old artist had become the target of Ekaterina Mizulina, director of Russia's Safe Internet League, a government-backed organization meant to crack down on unsavory content online.

    In a Telegram post in October, Mizulina said she would file a police report after receiving "many angry letters" over "pro-Ukrainian statements found" on Minayev's social media accounts, according to a translation by the Russian outlet Meduza.

    In a TikTok post from 2021, Minayev said: "Forgive English, I am Ukraine," and in another one, he said Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea had not improved the lives of people there, per the BBC.

    "People throughout the country are demanding his concert be canceled," Mizulina wrote in her post.

    A few days after Mizulina's post, Minayev's music producer told the Telegram channel Shot that they planned to sue Mizulina, alleging reputational and financial damage.

    A day after Minayev's arrest, Mizulina said in a Telegram post the artist had been evading the army, citing Russian media.

    Most of the pictures from Minayev's Instagram account show him outside of Russia, in countries like Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.

    Neither Minayev nor his producer have posted anything since the accident on Monday.

    Other Russian artists have been locked up for spreading anti-war messages since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

    In May 2022, the Russian artist Alexandra Skochilenko was arrested under Russia's "fake news" law for switching supermarket price tags with anti-war slogans, Insider previously reported.

    Read the original article on Business Insider


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