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An Easter egg for Spider-Man 2 may hint at the appearance of Daredevil and a significant villain group

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One Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Easter egg could be just the latest hint toward the debut of Daredevil and a major villain organization from Marvel Comics.

Daredevil over blurred Spider-Man 2 background


VIDEO: HUGE Spider-Man 2 DAREDEVIL Easter Egg
  • Marvel's Spider-Man 2 includes Easter eggs pointing towards the possible debut of Daredevil and the criminal organization The Hand.
  • The removal of Nelson and Murdock's names from their law office in Hell's Kitchen suggests potential Daredevil content in the game.
  • A mysterious room with symbols in Hell's Kitchen has sparked speculation about it being a secret base for The Hand, though it could also be referencing Doctor Strange.

An Easter egg spotted in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 appears to hint toward the debut of popular Marvel hero Daredevil, as well as an infamous criminal organization within the comics, The Hand. The in-game detail is just the latest tease pointing toward the potential inclusion of the protector of Hell's Kitchen. Another separate Spider-Man 2 Easter egg hinted at Daredevil content potentially coming to the hit game as either DLC or a future update.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 fans have already noticed that Nelson and Murdock's names have been removed from their former law office in Hell's Kitchen. The sign had previously referred to Marvel Comics' lawyers Foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock, the latter being the alter ego for vigilante Daredevil. Even Insomniac creative director Bryan Intihar commented about the tease, telling fans to "stay tuned." Now, it appears as though another in-game Easter egg is adding even more fuel to the speculative fire.

Content creator CabooseEK shared a Spider-Man 2 clip on social media showing a mysterious room in Hell's Kitchen with symbols that some online are claiming point to villainous organization The Hand. While the symbols themselves don't appear familiar to comic fans in the community, the popular belief is that the images represent the new logo for The Hand in Insomniac's Marvel universe. However, another popular belief is that it could be related to Doctor Strange as the mysterious room can also be seen from its neighboring bookstore that houses a painting reminiscent of the Sanctum Sanctorum window. There are already several references to Doctor Strange in Spider-Man 2, so there is merit to this theory as well.

The red flag outside the room, the references to dark magic inside, and its location within Hell's Kitchen do coincide well with the theory this is a secret base for The Hand. While The Hand is a large overarching evil organization within Marvel Comics, the group originally debuted in Daredevil comics. That said, many of the best Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Easter eggs point toward other Marvel Comics characters and landmarks, so perhaps Insomniac is teasing something else entirely.

Insomniac has its hands full of Marvel content lately. The studio is currently developing Marvel's Wolverine, and the success of Spider-Man 2 and its predecessors suggests more entries are coming at some point. Not to mention, the Spider-Man 2 narrative director commented about a potential Venom spin-off game.

Again, the various Marvel references might simply imply this room is just another tease for comic book and MCU fans to speculate about. On the other hand, Intihar's comments concerning an earlier Daredevil tease give fans hope that something more is coming to Marvel's Spider-Man 2 or the greater universe at some point soon.


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Author: Stacey Morales

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